2010 Windshield Repair Olympics to be Held in Las Vegas

The Walt Gorman Memorial Windshield Repair Olympics (WRO) are being held October 11 and 12 as part of ASRW 2010 International Autobody Congress & Exposition (NACE) in Las Vegas, Nevada. The winner of this year’s event will receive a $1,000 cash prize, and should a Delta Kits certified technician win the event, the company will match the prize money.

This event was created to provide a venue for repair technicians to showcase and learn the finest repair techniques from one another. The fifth annual WRO is co-sponsored by the National Windshield Repair Association (NWRA) and AGRR magazine.

Brian Fenner of Safe Glass Technologies, and a Delta Kits certified technician, was the winner of the 2009 contest. All of us at Delta Kits want to wish the best of luck to all contestants in this year’s competition and look forward to seeing a competitive event.

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