The holiday season is full of nostalgia and tradition. We watch the same movies; we eat special dishes reserved for this time of year, and we count our blessings for time with family and friends.
For some spending time with family and creating holiday memories isn’t possible. Some 1.2 million children are trafficked or sold into slavery each year. Around the world, two children are trafficked every minute.
Imagine being deceived, coerced from your home and then enslaved. It’s an unthinkable life.
That’s why we’ve teamed up with Life Outreach International and their Rescue Life program this holiday season, to help put an end to human trafficking.
Life Outreach has developed a simple yet effective outreach strategy to raise awareness about human trafficking and to reach, rescue and restore the children living in trafficking hotspots.
Rescue Life is currently active in Cambodia, Thailand, India, Greece, Ukraine and other countries and is currently constructing two safe havens in Southeast Asia for victims to recover.
We want to thank you for allowing us to continue our commitment to helping others in 2016 and beyond.
You can find more information about Rescue Life here.