Expert Q&A: Where can I find the best rate on $500,000 to $1,000,000 of liability insurance?


Where can I find the best rate on $500,000 to $1,000,000 of liability insurance to start my windshield repair business?


You should be able to contact any insurance company to request a quote or you can google “where to get 500K worth general liability insurance” and a lot of reputable companies pop up.

While we do not recommend or endorse any insurance companies, many of our customers have found that RLI offers very competitive rates. Chris Alexander (information below) writes a lot of RLI policies for windshield repair professionals in all 50 states so he is a good place to start, then call a local independent insurance agent and have them see if they can find you a better deal. Compare policies, not just prices, and be sure you ask if you need garage keepers insurance added to your policy. Plan to explain your business model in detail to your insurance agent so they can help you find the best policy for your needs.

Please let us know if you find better rates than RLI, and what you think of Chris Alexander. Insurance vendors and rates are always changing so your feedback helps us provide accurate and useful information to other windshield repair professionals with the same question.

Christopher A. Alexander, CPCU
Program Manager
Lindbergh Insurance Group
Lindbergh Insurance Agency (CA & NY)
Contact #: 844-249-2684
Fax: 309-689-2223
National Producer #: 663060
CA License #: 0366921

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