Filling Rock Chips and Cracks in the Sunshine
Question: Why can’t I get rock chips and cracks to fill properly when I am working in the sunshine? Answer: If you are not using a UV Shield, the resin is probably curing prematurely and therefore blocks the path of the resin. You must block the sun’s UV rays until you are ready to cure […]
Can a rain sensor windshield be repaired?
Question: Can a rain sensor windshield be repaired? Answer: The glass and laminate of a rain sensor windshield are exactly the same as any other windshield. Rain sensors are small and are attached to the inside of the glass, so the windshield itself may be repaired without any adverse effect. However, the amount of light […]
Can solar glass be repaired?
Question: Can solar glass be repaired? Answer: There are two types of solar glass. 1: Batch solar glass has the solar protection material added to the liquid glass during the production process and may be repaired. Most vehicles utilizing solar glass use batch solar glass. 2: Solar coated glass features a transparent metal/metal oxide coating […]
Can the inside layer or lite of glass be damaged?
Question: Can the inside layer or lite of glass be damaged and if so, how do you repair it? Answer: Occasionally, the layer of glass on the inside of the windshield may be damaged and can be difficult to recognize. Typically, the cracks will appear thinner, shinier, and not as dark as the cracks on […]
Do wax and soap affect the quality of a chip repair?
Question: Do wax and soap from car washes affect the quality of a windshield rock chip repair? Answer: Yes, wax and soap may influence the quality of a rock chip repair. Some soaps and waxes contain agents that help reduce water spots. Some of these agents react with the resin, causing it to “rise” out […]
What if there is a piece of glass missing from the center of the break?
Question: What if there is a piece of glass missing from the center of the break that is larger than the injector seal? Answer: This is called an oversized pit. Simply fill the void with pit resin, lay a section of curing tape across the resin and cure for 5 minutes. Scrape the resin with […]
Do I need a special adapter to do repairs on vertical glass?
Question: Do I need a special adapter to do repairs on vertical glass, such as those found on buses and trucks? Answer: No, however, it may be necessary to adjust the rear adjusting screws on the bridge assembly to tilt the injector slightly upward to get the resin to stay in the seal. It is […]
Using Thumb Pressure to Open Up a Crack in Glass
Question: Can I use thumb pressure on the glass from inside the vehicle to help open up a crack? Answer: Yes, but you cannot usually flex the glass and open up a crack from the inside and work on the outside at the same time, so a crack expander may be more effective. Too much […]
What is the best way to remove moisture from a break?
Question: What is the best way to remove moisture from a break? Answer: The Delta Kits Moisture Evaporator will remove all traces of moisture from most repairs in only 20 seconds. Other heating or vacuum methods can take an hour or more. Using chemicals can leave a residue that is incompatible with windshield repair resins […]
Will warming the glass speed up the repair?
Questions: Will warming the glass speed up the repair? Answer: Yes, warming the glass will often speed up the repair by thinning the resin and allowing it to flow into the cracks quicker. Be sure not to overheat the glass, as this can cause the glass to expand, thereby closing the cracks. This will give […]