Is there a way to remove pit resin from a surface chip?
Question: Is there a way to remove pit resin from a surface chip in the event I mess it up? Answer: Yes, in most cases you will be able to remove pit resin with the Mini Rotary Tool, sometimes even a probe or scribe.
Is the syringe used to pressurize a glass repair?
Question: Is the syringe used to pressurize a glass repair? Answer: The syringe does not pressurize a glass repair, it is designed to hold just enough resin for a single repair, and is used to place the resin into the end seal at the bottom of the injector, saving time and resin, particularly on vertical […]
What is the difference between Delta Kit tools for WSR and the Superglass tools?
Question: What is the difference between the Delta Kit tools for WSR and the Superglass tools? Answer: Our systems are faster, use less windshield repair resin per repair, cost less, and don’t have franchisee fees. We use one resin for every repair (bullseye, star breaks, long cracks, tinted glass etc.). Our windshield repair bridge is […]
How do I fill a subsurface crack in laminated glass?
Question: How do I fill a subsurface crack in a windshield? Answer: The definition of a subsurface crack is a crack in the outer layer of glass that does not open to the outer surface of the glass. Short cracks (1″ or less) radiating from the impact point of a star break or combination break […]
How do I keep the Delta Kits bubble dome securely mounted to a windshield?
Question: How do I keep the Delta Kits bubble dome securely mounted to a windshield? Answer: The five suction cups need to be clean and moist when attaching, and least four of the cups need to make full contact with the glass, which also must be cleaned prior to attaching. Clean the cups using warm […]
Bubble Dome and UV Rays
Question: Can UV rays enter the Delta Kits bubble dome from the opening? Answer: Some UV light will enter the Delta Kits bubble dome from the opening but if you mount the bubble dome, so the damage is toward the back of the dome and the opening is facing away from the sun as shown […]
Will pressure inside the glass work as well as using a crack expander?
Question: If I do not have a crack expander, is it okay to apply pressure on the inside of the glass to open a crack, so the resin will flow into the break easier? Will that work as well as using a crack expander? Answer: You can use thumb pressure on the inside of the […]
How well does glass repair work in colder weather?
Question: How well does glass repair work in colder weather? I live in Michigan and am interested in windshield repair. Answer: The optimal glass temperature range is between 70 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and Delta Kits recommends keeping your resin temperature within 10 degrees of the glass temperature. There are various ways of warming the […]
Is there a way to remove dirt from windshield damage?
Question: Is there a way to remove dirt from windshield damage? Answer: Chip savers are a good option for preventing liquid and solid contaminants from entering the damage. Once contaminates have entered the damage your options are limited to using filtered compressed air and a steel scribe to remove contamination on or near the surface, […]
What is the best way to repair windshield damage in the shape of a “Y”?
Questions: What is the best way to repair windshield damage in the shape of a “Y” where each of the legs are between 4″-6″ long? Answer: All repairs should start at the impact point whenever possible. Due to the length of the legs, we would recommend you anchor them by drilling just past the end […]