Can you restore headlights that have been clear coated?

Can you restore headlights that have been clear coated?

Question: Can you restore headlights that have been clear coated? Answer: Yes, you can restore headlights that have been clear coated. If the coating is difficult to remove with the 320 grit. Then move to the 180 grit and work your way up to the 3000 grit. Make sure the swirl marks are removed at […]

Do I need to wear gloves while doing windshield repairs?

Quesiton: Should you wear gloves during a repair.   Answer: Short answer is yes. Why, Most resins have acrylic acid in them. This is an acid that will eat through skin. Some technicians are more susceptible than others. We recommend using Nitrile gloves or Derma Shield Mousse. Nitrile gloves work well. They can tear and […]

Infinity application

Question: When I apply the Infinity coating it is leaving streaks. How can I apply without causing streaks?   Answer: Make sure your coating is evenly applied to the applicator. Use long consistent strokes when applying. Overlapping each stroke slightly. Do not allow your applicator to become dry. Do not stop in the middle of […]

What size burs do you recommend for general chip repair?

Question: What size bur do you recommend for general chip repair? Answer: The 26020 Tapered Carbide Bur is “Delta’s Choice” for general chip repair because we feel it functions as the best all-around bur. It is a fast-cutting, extremely durable, tapered bur that can be used in just about any situation that might come up. […]

How can I get my carbide burs to last longer?

Question: How can I get my carbide burs to last longer? Answer: To extend the life and increase the cutting action, use a cigarette lighter to burn off any residue that remains on the bur after each repair. This alone will double the number of holes you can expect from the average carbide bur. Using […]

Why do drill bits or carbide burs sometimes break?

Question: Why do drill bits or carbide burs sometimes break just as they penetrate the first layer of glass? Answer: The most common reason drill bits or carbide burs sometimes break is that the technician is drilling all the way through the first layer of glass, which is not recommended. Dull drill bits are also […]