Following in His Footsteps

This past month I had a conversation with someone I have known for about 3 years. Typically I see him monthly, although there are instances where I might run into him 2 or even 3 times during the month. Each time we run into each other we usually have a very pleasant conversation. How’s your […]

Green Product Showcase at the 2009 Car Care World Expo

Delta Kits was recently one of a selected few manufactures asked to exhibit in the Green Product Showcase at the 2009 Car Care World Expo. The event was held at the world renowned Las Vegas Convention Center. The concept of going green is spreading across the world with industries and consumers choosing green options more […]

For Your Eyes Only

Recently we reviewed our frequently asked questions and decided to create shorts videos to better answer your questions.  These videos range from repairing a combination break to how to use the slide hammer. If you have a question that you feel would be a good topic to be covered in a video, please drop a […]

What is New on the Windshield Repair Forum?

Recently on the forum there was a question raised about using alcohol to clean out and dry out a rock chip. After several posts were made disputing a statement by a Delta Kits representative, Delta Kits decided to settle the dispute once and for all by creating a video showing exactly how Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) […]

Think Safety! Protecting your skin

Skin is the largest organ in the human body and offers an important protective cover. Your skin is the major route of entry for hazardous substances, and it cannot always protect you against hazards, especially when your skin is over exposed to hazardous or dangerous goods. Chemicals can penetrate into healthy skin and cause damaging […]

Tech Tips: Drilling and Burs

When do I drill? Which bur should I use? Are carbide burs really better than diamond burs? Those are three widely debated topics that we here at Delta Kits happen to know quite a bit about. By the end of this article, I hope to have cleared up any confusion still out there regarding any […]

How to Double Your Profit per Customer!

Is the down economy hurting your business? Are you tired of the competition in your area eating into your profits? Do you need something to set yourself apart from the crowd?  Delta Kits, Inc. is excited to announce the release of a new product that will do exactly that.  The new HLPRO202 Professional Headlight Restoration […]

What is New on the Windshield Repair Forum?

As many of you know, Delta Kits hosts the largest and most popular windshield repair forum in the world. This is the perfect place to ask questions, and get advice from thousands of windshield repair business owners and windshield repair technicians all over the world. Below are some of the hot topics from the month […]