What Is Wrong With This Picture? Tell Us And Win $50!

This picture has several deviations from Delta Kits recommended practices. Submit your entry to info@deltakits.com with two or more correct answers to be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift certificate. All entries must be submitted no later than June 26th. The drawing for our winner will take place at 10am on June 29th

Hot Topics on the Windshield Repair Forum

Delta Kits hosts the largest and most popular windshield repair forum in the world. This is the perfect place to ask questions, and share your thoughts with thousands of windshield repair business owners and windshield repair technicians all over the world. Be careful though, the windshield repair forum is addicting! Below are some of the […]

Safety Tip: Material Safety Data Sheets

In today’s environment everyone should use safety equipment such as safety glasses, masks, and gloves. However, the basic definition of a safety device is a mechanical device that can sometimes fail. In the event of a failure and you become exposed. Do you know what to do? Notify the proper authorities; know the location of […]

MSDS: Are You Prepared?

In today’s environment everyone should use safety equipment such as safety glasses, masks, and gloves. However, the basic definition of a safety device is a mechanical device that can sometimes fail. In the event of a failure and you become exposed. Do you know what to do? Notify the proper authorities; know the location of […]

Bright Future for Windshield Repair Technicians

Recently, I was reading an article by Marty Nemko, Contributing Columnist for Kiplinger.com and a recent CNN poll finds that nearly 60% of Americans believe we’re likely facing a depression. Although most Americans would, of course, suffer in an economic depression, some careers should remain strong, maybe even bolstered by these difficult times. Surprise! Surprise! […]

Tech Tip: Maintaining Your Windshield Repair Resin Injector

Properly maintaining your windshield repair resin injector will save you time and money. Delta Kits windshield repair systems require very little maintenance, but cleaning your injector after each repair is absolutely essential. The process is really quite simple, but must be performed properly and consistently to keep your injector in top working condition, particularly if […]

Delta Kits Certified Windshield Repair Technicians

Congratulations to all of the new Delta Kits Certified Windshield Repair Technicians! April 2009 Mary Anderson-Dingleday Richard Dingleday Joshua Francis Phil Garica Nyankpai Gbawea Wally Greth David Odell Pat Shea Brett Taylor