Is your house too small?

Congratulations! From Ecclesiastes 2:10-11, NIV May our house always be too small to hold all our friends.I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my labor, and this was the reward for all my toil. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had […]

A Christmas Message from Delta Kits

One of the dangers of the Christmas season is its tendency to be about escapism—a fanciful few weeks to live a fairy tale of creature comforts and joy. But there’s no avoiding the truth that beyond all the sugar plums, life is complicated and not all villages look like snow globes and not every siren […]

Old Windshields Start Finding New Life

Just in case you haven’t noticed, an ongoing trend in American society is conservation. This means using less, recycling more, and being mindful of what you choose to purchase. The trend can be seen in everything to the resurgence of cloth diapers for babies to windmills supplying electrical power. Conservation has also been a selling […]

Do Windshield Repairs Show Their Age?

Here’s the scenario. You are performing a windshield repair for a customer when you notice an older repair that does not look as crystal clear as it should. On closer inspection, you see that the pit of the repair has deteriorated slightly. What happened and how can you use this situation to your advantage? The […]

Auto Glass Claims: From Nuisance to Nightmare

Auto glass claims are viewed as nuisance claims by many carriers, but that nuisance has become the plague of the insurance industry. Claim harvesting, litigation, and price gouging are the culprits. The recent surge of auto glass claims has caught the insurance industry off-guard. While frequency skyrockets with no signs of improving, historic underwriting models […]

Dealing with Sensitivity to Windshield Repair Resins

Windshield repair resins come in a variety of colors, viscosities and qualities but most have one thing in common; they contain acrylic acid. Acrylic acid can cause a sensitivity to windshield repair resins. Acrylic acid etches the glass to provide maximum adhesion. Because the number one goal of windshield repair is to restore the structural […]

Dealing with Sensitivity to Windshield Repair Resins

Windshield repair resins come in a variety of colors, viscosities and qualities but most have one thing in common; they contain acrylic acid. Acrylic acid etches the glass to provide maximum adhesion. Because the number one goal of windshield repair is to restore the structural integrity of the glass, the resin’s ability to bond with […]

A Working Road Trip to Las Vegas

If you called Delta Kits during the first week of November to talk with Korey, Bruce or me, you were probably told we were “vacationing” in Las Vegas on the company dime. In truth, during this vacation Delta Kits was exhibiting at the Specialty Equipment Manufacturer’s Association trade show at the Las Vegas Convention Center. […]

Finding Comfort in God

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Get On Board with

If you have not already heard, Delta Kits launched a new referral website, at, that focuses on the windshield repair businesses.  There is no charge to advertise on the site and your potential customers have the ability to search for technicians by state, city, or zip code. provides: Free listings for windshield repair […]