New On-the-Road Training Dates Announced

Delta Kits will be offering on-the-road training opportunities in Kissimmee, Florida, and Arlington, Texas. This is your chance to become a factory trained and certified windshield repair technician. The Kissimmee, Florida, session will be held on January 22, 2012, at the Worldgate Resort following the Mobile Tech Expo. The Arlington, Texas, session will be on […]

“Out of the Box” Contest

How have you customized the toolbox or vehicle you use in your windshield repair business? If you have a creative setup or innovative tools you use we want to hear from you. Share your creativity for a chance to win a double pack of MagniBond and a bottle of Premium Pit Plus resin. That’s a […]

Cold Glass & Warm Resin – A Bad Combination

When it comes to temperature and windshield repair a lot of emphasis is placed on the temperature of the glass and getting it within the optimal range of 70 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Last month we discussed how important it is to change the temperature of a windshield gradually to reduce the risk of it […]

A Busy Winter If You Know Where to Look

We often hear people lamenting on how their windshield repair and headlight restoration business slows down during the fall and winter months. If properly prepared, “off season” repair and restoration work is a year round business, and if you know where to look there are customers to be found. If you haven’t heard, emergency service […]

Delta Kits 2011 – 2012 Trade Show Schedule

Delta Kits will be showing at three of the best trade shows in the industry between now and January of 2012 and will be offering Factory Certified Windshield Repair Training at two of these locations. The trade show season starts off with Auto Glass Week on September 15 in Memphis, Tennessee, with the show running […]

Will A Mess Sort Out Who’s Best?

Wow, what a mess! Technicians weigh in on windshield repair equipment. Don’t crack up. View on liability for a crack out. Down and out with deductibles. Headlight Restoration – Can you make a LIVING at this?

Service from the Heart

When I was asked to write about my recent trip to Cambodia I was very excited. Serving is my passion and although I’ve worked on service projects in South America, nothing touched me like this trip to the wonderful nation of Cambodia. Our group agreed to help construct a building that will function as a […]

Tactics for Controlling Glass Temperature

Mobile windshield repair technicians are often not afforded the luxury of having a climate controlled work environment in which they can perform their services, so controlling glass temperature is an ongoing concern. While there is no perfect outdoor solution, there are several procedures that may be used to safely keep the temperature of a windshield […]

Don’t Get Left Out! Last Chance for Memphis Windshield Repair Training

If you’ve been thinking about windshield repair training, don’t miss this opportunity to receive factory certified windshield repair training in Memphis, Tennessee, on September 18, 2011. There are just a few spots left and registration ends September 6th so don’t delay. Call 800-548-8332 to learn the industry’s best practices in windshield repair from the expert […]