Shopping Cart Update

Good news, the shopping cart is once again fully functional! If you are a shopper you have no doubt noticed that our shopping cart feature has been disabled for several months. As reported previously, the shopping cart was disabled due to a glitch in the payment gateway, not allowing Delta Kits to receive […]

Surface Pits: Customer Response…

In last month’s article, “ROLAGS Meeting,” we made mention that the main topic of discussion during the meeting was the issue of billing insurance companies for surface pits. There are a couple of problems that stem from this issue, the first being that insurance companies will continue to restrict payments to independent glass repair companies […]

Are you Reading this on a Mobile Device?

Are you reading this on a mobile device? If you aren’t now chances are, according to industry forecasters, you will be by end of this year. That’s when mobile internet traffic is expected to outnumber desktop usage. Couple that with the more than 192 million expected to be using smartphones by 2016, it’s time to […]

ROLAGS Meeting

Korey Gobin, Delta Kits Sales Manager, attended last month’s semi-annual ROLAGS (Repair of Laminated Automotive Glass Standard) meeting in San Diego, CA. One major topic of discussion focused on the issue of unnecessary repairs such as surface pits that do not qualify as billable repairs. The debate over repairing this type of damage continues but […]

Should I ACT Like a Child?

When I first read the title of a recent sales tip written by Art Sobczak, Act Like a Child to Handle a No, I was confused, but being a big fan of Art’s weekly sales tips I could not help being intrigued. Fear of rejection is one of the biggest reasons sales professionals and small […]

Vacuum Cup Lesson 101

Occasionally we receive questions regarding the differences between suction cups and vacuum cups, and the best way to secure mounts with vacuum cups to the glass. Suction cups are cup-shaped devices, usually made of rubber, silicone, or other flexible compounds, that use negative fluid pressure of air or water to adhere to nonporous surfaces and […]

Mobile Headlight Restoration: How to Power Up

If you are a mobile technician you probably know that job locations can be less than ideal at times and it is wise to plan ahead to make sure there is an available power source for your tools. There would be nothing worse than losing a job because you were underprepared. Recently we have received […]

Perfect Your Sales Pitch

Brent Deines March 1, 2013 While the term “salesman” often conjures up images of someone we really don’t want to be, the truth is if you are in business you are a sales person. The question is, “are you any good at it”? Cold calling is difficult for most of us but with practice anyone […]

World Concern: Transforming Lives One Day at a Time

World Concern, a Seattle-based non-profit humanitarian organization, is committed to helping communities all over the world develop in lasting ways. They transform the lives of poor and marginalized people through disaster response and viable community development, offering life, opportunity, and hope in 18 of the most desperate countries within Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Americas. […]