Brick by Brick Business Owner Gives Back

Ted Kovrick, owner and operator of Solano Windshield Repair recently shared his story with us about his journey to Zambia. We were so touched by his experience that we wanted to share it with you; it’s that good! Ted’s not your average, run of the mill guy. In addition to owning a windshield repair company […]

Tech Tip: Ring Around the Bullseye Part Two

In part one we discussed pressure rings. In part two we will discuss trapped air. Trapped Air: Black, green or shiny, are terms typically used to describe the appearance of air trapped around the outside of the damage. While it may appear clear from one angle, inspecting from multiple angles will reveal one of the […]

Become Delta Kit Certified!

Our Eugene, Oregon training dates set for 2014. Want to become Delta Kits Windshield Repair Certified? Check out Eugene, Oregon, training dates. To find out more visit our Training and Trade Show page. Our latest group of Delta Kits Windshield Repair Certified Technicians!

Customer Testimonial: Better Business Bureau

We sure appreciate it when folks take the time to write us and let us know how our customer service has affected them in a positive way. Here’s a great example of how you can check out what others are saying about your business by contacting your local better business bureau. “Dear Bruce, As you […]

Become Delta Kit Windshield Repair Technician Certified!

Our Eugene, Oregon, training dates set for 2014. Want to become Delta Kits Windshield Repair Certified? Check out Eugene, Oregon, training dates. To find out more visit our Training and Trade Show page. Our latest group of Delta Kits Windshield Repair Certified Technicians!

Limited Edition System!

The 36015 EZ-330D Mobile Pro Anniversary Edition is a limited edition system in celebration of our 30th Anniversary. For the first time, both top-selling B250 Windshield Repair Bridge and Delta Kits’ newest bridge, the B150 are being offered in the same system.

MagniBond Resin One-Shot Packaging

Delta Kits has made some changes to the packaging of MagniBond One-Shot windshield repair resin part number 30003. The packaging change has been implemented to improve safety, volume sustainability, and ultraviolet protection. The use and performance of the resin has not changed. The implementation of the packaging is in effect. Here are some helpful tips […]

Tech Tip: Ring Around the Bullseye

Pressure Ring or Trapped Air? Part One: Pressure Rings A recent post on brought to my attention that even some experienced windshield repair technicians are very confused about the cause of the ring around the outside of a bullseye, which is sometimes visible after the completion of a windshield repair. It’s time to separate […]