Brick by Brick Business Owner Gives Back

Ted Kovrick, owner and operator of Solano Windshield Repair recently shared his story with us about his journey to Zambia. We were so touched by his experience that we wanted to share it with you; it’s that good!

Ted’s not your average, run of the mill guy. In addition to owning a windshield repair company he feels called to international missions work. In fact, one of the reasons Ted began a windshield repair business was to have the flexibility to make his own schedule and to have the freedom to go serve others when and where he feels led to.

Ted recently spent a month in Lusaka, Zambia building a brick house for a local Zambian family. Ted became close with Jailos and his family years ago on a previous trip and has kept in contact with them ever since. Jailos earns a modest wage working with a ministry group as a grounds keeper. In the past, he has been fortunate enough to stay in a house at the campground of the ministry, but when Ted learned how they would no longer be able to live there he knew in his heart that he needed to help.

In this part of Zambia one might only make $30-$50 a month. After feeding your family that doesn’t leave much left for anything else, let alone a house to provide shelter and safety. Jailos saved for years and was able to purchase sand and cement, but struggled to save enough for the bricks. This is where Ted comes in! Ted decided that he would launch a $1 brick campaign to raise the funds for the bricks and would travel to Zambia and help Jailos build his new home, brick by brick.

After travelling over 10,000 miles, in his family blog Ted reflects on the journey: “There were some long, hot days and others cut short with heavy rains.  There were pricing issues and vehicle break-downs.  But I never doubted that even such a large task would not prevail.”  Ted talks about the challenges of constructing a home in a remote area with no power or running water. In addition to building a new home for Jailos and his family, Ted visited an orphanage where he brought soccer balls and school supplies (donated by many in the states), and helped with maintenance on the grounds.

It is truly encouraging to know that there are people out there like Ted, who willingly put life on hold and sacrifice time and money in order to show others that they are very loved. Love is an action! While not everyone feels led to leave the country in order to serve others, there are many other ways to serve the people around us. How can you put love into action?

Ted, thank you for sharing your story with us, it’s a good reminder of how sacrifice and love can truly make the world a better place. We love your heart for others. If you would like to read more about Ted’s journey you can read his blog here.

If you have any encouraging or heart-warming stories to share, Delta Kits would like to hear about them! You never know when your story will inspire others to give their time and money to those in need. Call us at 1-800-548-8332 or email into



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