Dr. Glass – Customer Testimonial

Dr. Glass – Customer Testimonial

One of our core values as a windshield repair and headlight restoration company is offering exceptional customer service to our customers all over the world. We would like to share an email that we received recently from Singapore. It is a shining example of how we want you to succeed. Thank you, Vincent Tan of Dr. Glass, for taking the time to send the email below, and we wish you continued success. Judging by the photos you submitted, it looks like you are on your way!

“Mr. Korey

Thank you for recommending that I get involved with restoring headlights. I did everything you told me and I do 10 cars in my first week. Thank you for staying up late to help me on Skype. I learn so much from you. I do the headlight like you (said) on Skype, so see my results and tell me if it’s correct. Furthermore, I am happy and grateful for your willingness to help me.

Vincent Tan
Dr. Glass

Thanks again, Dr. Glass – Customer Testimonial

If you would like to learn more about headlight restoration or need technical assistance about your headlight lenses, give us a call at 800-548-8332.


Headlight lens restoration before Dr Glass 03 2014


Headlight lens restoration after DrGlass 03 2014

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