The importance of Kind Words & Excellent Customer Service
In the windshield repair industry, working with your hands is a given. Customer service is also a given. At times, you may need to provide kind words and customer service that may go against how you really feel.
So, how do we do this? How do we step back and answer kindly when it is the furthest from our thoughts? It can be difficult.
You may not have handled a situation the way you should (or wish) you would have, but it is much easier to provide a kind word and a listening ear, than it is to repair a relationship after the fact.
At some point, you are likely to be the upset customer. Something to ask ourselves is, “How would I want someone to treat me?” “What would I have the customer service representative say to resolve the problem?” The same answers we come up with are likely to be the ones we should use with our customers. Staying calm is also a key factor. It is mighty difficult to stay angry when the customer service representative stays calm. Once diffusing the anger, then it will be easier to handle, the situation.
We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly. 1Cor 4:12 NIV
Never underestimate the importance of customer retention. The cost to attract a new customer is approximately five times greater than the cost to retain a customer. Consider this fact every time your company receives a complaint or your customer chooses to do business elsewhere. Businesses with a high customer retention rate are more profitable than businesses that rely solely on attracting new customers.
Attracting a new customer requires time, money and considerable effort. Retaining an existing customer typically only requires an ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction. That’s not to say that customer retention is easy or inexpensive. But, compared to attracting a new customer, it is surely a bargain. Customer satisfaction begins with trust, and one must earn trust. It takes time for customers to trust that they will receive quality products and service. Not just on their initial experience with your company, but every time they do business with your company.
Everyone knows satisfied customers purchase more overtime, but it’s easy to overlook the value in referrals…Continue Reading